Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hans Zimmer and the Power of the Soundtrack

Finally, I've posted another new article through Triond! This one focuses on the importance of soundtracks to films, and who I believe to be the leading composer of our time. Check out the summary and follow the link if you want to read the whole piece. Thanks!
"The perfect director, chemistry between cast members and excellent writing are all key ingredients of making a fantastic film, but there is one key element that makes or breaks a film: the soundtrack. No matter how one tries to argue it, without any music a film falls flat and cannot deliver the emotional impact it is meant to. Yes, some films exist that are music-less and they work, but those are rare occasions. Remember the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode entitled “The Body” in which Buffy deals with the loss of her mother? The episode was devoid of music, but it has been hailed as one of the best episodes in television history. Even though a few examples exist, there is no doubt that the soundtrack to a film is the key ingredient. Think about horror movies. Without music you would not be scared. The music heightens tensions, gives you a sick feeling in your stomach and makes you jump with loud clangs as someone on the screen jumps out of the shadows. Not only is the music important, but the composer has to be brilliant as well."
You can read the full article HERE.

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