Thursday, September 6, 2012

America's Got Talent 2012: Semi-Finals, Pt. 2

This week on America's Got Talent the final 12 acts took the stage to perform one last time to determine the final 3 acts that will move onto the finale next week with William Close, Tom Cotter and Joe Castillo. The first hour of the show was pretty lackluster, but the second hour was chock full of some great talent. Last week definitely had a stronger talent pool, but with only three acts advancing each week it doesn't really matter. Let's get to it, shall we?

All That
These guys are very talented in their area of clogging, and it's always fun to watch. They even stepped it up by lighting their shoes on fire as well as dancing in water. It was entertaining, but is the act worth $1 million dollars? No.

Clint Carvalho
Most of you might remember him as the bird guy. From the YouTube Auditions, Clint sent his parrot diving off a building and flying into the studio. This week the bird delivered mail, flew through hoops and carried Sharon's 7-Up can to Clint on stage. I enjoyed the mail segment, but I felt the flying through hoops was so elementary. He let me down this week.

Jacob Williams
What happened, Jacob?! He was not only my favorite comedian this year, but one of my favorite acts overall. His quirky and nerdy nature is hilarious, but tonight he fell short. He looked defeated walking on stage, and what he delivered material wise was poor. It's such a shame because I would have loved to see him in the finale, but it looks like he shot himself in the foot.

All Wheel Sports
LIke Howie said, it's Cirque du Soleil meets BMX. The act is very entertaining, and I liked the idea of doing everything in the dark which made it more dangerous. Even though I'm not there, I feel like it translates well on TV. They definitely have a shot...

Olate Dogs
Can we just crown them the winners already? Every week they step on stage they blow me away and put a huge grin on my face. It's incredible what this father and son duo has done with these dogs. These dogs are the most extraordinary animals I've ever seen, and they were by far the best act of the night.

Lightwire Theater
These guys wow me again and again, and this week I think was their best performance. It was like Jurassic Park meets The Matrix. The dinosaurs fought with swords, and at times they even went into slow-motion. The egg breaking apart was probably the coolest part. These guys should come in third place next week.

David Garibaldi and His CMYK's
These guys are outstanding. I love that they can take painting and turn it into a beautiful show that blows people away. This week, while you couldn't figure out what they were creating until it was unveiled, it still held my attention the entire time and wowed me once again. These guys are the future of art, and it would mean so much for them to make it to the finals. I really hope they come in second place after Olate Dogs.

Now on to the other acts that I don't care for. Sebastian de Oro is still here? Why, America, why?! I can't stand this kid and don't think he's talented. In his last two performances his vocals have shown that he needs more training. Also, every time he explains the meaning behind songs it sounds 100% rehearsed and unauthentic. The Magic of Puck was beyond boring. Sorry, but a magic act isn't going to win this year. Shaunice and Maurice Hays have overstayed their welcome. I've never thought they were good, and singing a Mariah Carey song this week was the nail in their coffin. The worst act of the night: Tim Hockenberry. I couldn't stand him even in the beginning, but singing John Lennon's 'Imagine' was the final straw. I thought he ruined the song, and the whole husky/gravelly voiced singers on AGT are getting annoying. I reallllly hope he doesn't make it to the finals. The Untouchables aren't bad, but I just don't think they're entertaining enough. And they'll never have their own show in Vegas, plain and simple. Based on last night, I think that the acts that should go through are Olate Dogs, Lightwire Theater and David Garibaldi and His CMYK's. This is shaping up to be a very good finale. Even though last week's show was more entertaining, I think all three acts from this week will be in the Top 3 with maybe William Close taking one of those spots. Next week is sure to be the best finale in AGT history. Can't wait!

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