Saturday, September 29, 2012

'Makeover' by Glee

This week's Glee episode has by far been the past of the new season. The first episode was just blah, and the Britney episode was a travesty. Thankfully, the writers stepped it up a notch this week and focused on plot. That's been my biggest criticism of the show for a while because they focus on the music more than plot, and we're left with crappy episodes. When they use the music to highlight character's emotions that's when the going gets good. This week we focused a lot more in NYC which is exactly what needed to be done. Kurt got a new job, Rachel's two romances collided and it was the Blaine show at McKinley. You all know I love Blaine, and this week was great because he was the star of the show as he dealt with losing his identity at the school, feeling shunned by Kurt and running for class president. Overall, it was a great episode.

The episode begins with Blaine wanting to make his senior year memorable so he signs up for every club the school has to offer. And what do we get? We see Blaine in a myriad of costumes ranging from Batman to a wizard to medieval garb. It was hilarious to watch, and the song only made it better. I thought (as always) Blaine sang it superb and it was a beautiful song. These types of songs just fit him so perfectly. (And the movie-watching popcorn segment? PERFECTION!)
I had to include this performance because it deserves to be seen more than anything:

When Blaine decides to run for class president, he and Brittany choose their running mates. Blaine chooses Sam and Brittany chooses Artie. It's decided that Brittany and Sam need to undergo makeovers, and as they do they sing 'Celebrity Skin'. It was an interesting choice as grunge has never really been sung on the show, but surprisingly it worked. Not one of my favorites, but not bad. It's nice to see Sam getting some screen time.

Kurt gets a job as Isabelle Wright's (Sarah Jessica Parker) assistant at Vogue. We find out Isabelle has passed her prime and just doesn't have any more ideas. She needs a music video to be shot for a new campaign and Kurt decides Rachel needs a makeover so they team up for this song at Vogue. One of Glee's major accomplishments has always been its mash-ups. This one is no different. It's always amazing how they can take two different songs and create a fantastic piece of music. We get to hear SJP sing, and she's actually not bad. It was a fun performance.

After Rachel gets her makeover (did anything really change?), her romance with Brody reaches new heights. The two galavant around the city while singing, visiting lots of places that I've actually been to! It was a fun song and really showed how much they are attracted to each other. They need to get together officially because I'm sick and tired of Finn.

I have to say that I love Kurt being at Vogue. As amazing as it would be to see him go to NYADA or get a part on Broadway, I think this is the best thing for him. And the scenes with SJP have been beyond amazing. I've never watched anything she's been in before, but I love her and her character is genius. The dynamic between the two is perfect. I'm also glad the relationship between Brody and Rachel has heated up. I never liked Finn so I'm glad Rachel likes a guy who is played by someone who can actually sing and dance and ACT. The highlight of the show had to be the bromance between Blaine and Sam (Blam). Sam has always been a favorite character of mine but he was always shoved into the background and was never given any substantial plot lines. This episode put him in the spotlight, and he had me bursting out in uncontrollable laughter throughout the episode. The dynamic between Blam is also really great to watch. They're so natural together which makes it fun to watch. Oh, and I think I discovered why this episode was so good: no Unique! Next week is 'The Break-Up', and judging by what's happened, Klaine, Finchel and Brittana will be breaking up. Even though I love two of those pairings, I think it'll be good for them to have some time apart. Judging by the previews, I'll be bawling my eyes out as Blaine sings 'Teenage Dream' to Kurt (for the second time recreating the time they met). It's going to be an emtotional episode so don't miss it!

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