Tuesday, October 16, 2012

'I Found You' Music Video by The Wanted

The Wanted are a boy band that have been around longer than One Direction and are more polished in many respects, but they haven't become as a big as their rivals (yet). The first single off their new album was disappointing to say the least when I first heard it. I thought it was horrendous, but after taking a break from listening to it and coming back with a clear mind, 'I Found You' has grown on me immensely and I am really starting to like it. I think what I realized is that it has the signature UK pop sound. It just has that special sound that makes it unique in that regard, and that's something I gravitate towards having lived in England for three years. The video, at first, left me confused. It's very odd in that the boys are these dapper gentlemen roaming the streets obviously in search of something. Interspersed are scenes of them in a club with a woman. You start to realize that they are searching for the damsel in distress, but what happens when they find her is a real plot twist. The video was directed by the incredible Chris Marrs Piliero who directed Britney's 'I Wanna Go' and 'Criminal' music videos, and he once again churned out another great piece of art. I like when bands do something unexpected, and that's exactly what The Wanted have accomplished here.

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