Wednesday, September 26, 2012

'Push and Shove' by No Doubt Album Review

No Doubt have been one of the most successful bands on the planet and have twisted music on its head for the impressive 24 years of their career. After a long hiatus, the band finally released it's new album Push and Shove this week, and it's my favorite album by them. I have loved No Doubt ever since I was a kid (my jam being 'Hey Baby'), but I've never been able to listen to their albums. They've released a few good singles over the years, but I've never thought their albums were masterpieces or ones that would make me want to listen to them over and over again. It's sad, but true. However, Push and Shove is a huge milestone as I have already listened to it multiple times and am in love. It's really the melding of classic No Doubt with new music trends that creates a cohesive piece of artistry. I'm sure most youngsters out there don't even know the genius of No Doubt, but this album seems to be an encompassment of everything the band has ever been and is today, and it deserves to be heard by all ages of music lovers.

1. Settle Down - 8/10

When this was released as the first single I basically freaked out because it was everything I wanted to hear from them. Reggae mixed with their usual ska sound, but still something that could be played on the radio. In the context of the album it could not have been a better song to kick off the album. I think it shows how diverse the album is, and gets you in the mood for what's to come. Read my initial reaction the song HERE.

2. Looking Hot - 10/10

'Looking Hot' is set to be the third single off the album, and it could not be a better pick. It's tied with 'Push and Shove' for my favorite song on the album at the moment. I think one of the reasons why I love it so much is because Gwen employs her unique vocal styling during the chorus. It just makes it kooky, but fun. Then, the song is an upbeat rock song reminiscent of their older stuff, but it's still very current and very danceable. Then during the bridge a brass section comes in and the song sounds very mariachi. It's just such an interesting and diverse song.

3. One More Summer - 9/10

The song begins with a beautiful synth-pop sound as Gwen comes in with her beautiful vocals. And then the song picks up into a perfect jam. It sounds a lot like Gwen's solo material, especially the sound of The Sweet Escape, with the classic elements of pop and rock melded together into a cohesive piece of musical masterpiece. It's also one of those songs in which the lyrics as so powerful and really complete the song. It is clear Gwen is in her element here with the vocals flowing flawlessly over the background instruments. This will definitely have to be a single after 'Push and Shove'.

4. Push and Shove (feat. Busy Signal & Major Lazer) - 10/10

Coming from a string of three superb songs comes another superb song. Like I mentioned, this is my favorite song on the album and it's constantly been on repeat since it was released. This is the track where I feel classic No Doubt and the new No Doubt collide the most, and I think that's what makes the song so great. It's the past meets the future and that only results in a perfect jam. It's got great dance elements to it, but the band never loses their sound and doesn't sound like they're "selling out." Love it so much! You can read my initial thoughts of the song right HERE.

5. Easy - 9/10

After four big uptempo, groovy songs we slow down a bit to catch out breath. 'Easy' is a beautiful mid-tempo that I could see being a huge fan favorite on tour. A "lighters in the air" kind of performance (or cell phone screens as it seems to today). It has that air of being a huge arena song (with a little Phil Collins influence), but it also reminds me the most of their older work. It just has the '90s vibe to it to evokes nostalgia, but then the reggae comes in towards the middle that adds even another element to the song. A great change of pace.

6. Gravity - 8/10

'Gravity' is one of those songs that I think would be a huge summer hit. For some reason it reminds A LOT of 'Early Winter' from The Sweet Escape, except it's slightly more upbeat and not as depressing. It's really interesting to see the band's influences because I don't think they'd have released a song like this before with a synth/'80s flare to it, but it just seems to work in the here and now. It's really a great song. (Anyone hear the sound effect from 'Hey Baby' on the song? Love it!)

7. Undercover - 7/10

So this is one of those songs that is neither a standout nor a filler track. It's a song that's good to bop your head to and have fun with, but it doesn't stand out on the album. But don't get me wrong: it's not a dud either. It's just a solid effort from the band.

8. Undone - 9/10

Here we slow things down and take the more acoustic route. It's a mid-tempo where Gwen is accompanied namely by a guitar, and you can really feel the emotion oozing out of her voice. To me, it's one of those songs that paints a picture in your mind and can make you totally zone out. You simply get lost in the music, and that's what makes this song magical.

9. Sparkle - 7/10

Now we're getting back into the uptempo realm. 'Sparkle' is a track that is VERY old school No Doubt. It's got the unique ska sound and starts off very dark and mysterious before picking up to a great tempo. I can just see '90s Gwen rocking out to this song with her spiked hair. One of my favorite parts is when the brass comes in at the bridge and makes for a very cool moment. It's not a terribly exciting song, but it invokes nostalgia.

10. Heaven - 7/10

'Heaven' is one of those fell good schoomzy songs. It warms your heart and puts a smile on your face. While it's not a standout track, it again retains that classic No Doubt sound which results in a good song. This one, once again, has a solo Gwen flair to it and could have fit on one of her albums just perfectly.

11. Dreaming the Same Dream - 8/10

To finish off an amazing album, No Doubt keeps it simple and stays true to their roots. The song's got a lot of synth to it, but keeps the ska element to it to make a beautiful song that fits well with 'Heaven' and 'Gravity'. I sort of feel like these three songs were almost leftovers from Gwen's solo career that were then reworked by the band. Interesting thought.

Overall Rating: 9/10

Songs to Check Out: 'Looking Hot', 'One More Summer', 'Easy', 'Gravity' and 'Undone'

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