Sunday, April 7, 2013

'Drama Queens' by RuPaul's Drag Race

This week on RuPaul's Drag Race the girls go loca as they star in telenovelas and show off their acting chops. With only six contestants left the competition is heating up, and only the all-around polished queens remain. In this week's mini-challenge, the girls get in a circle and cry on cue the best they can. Alyssa, Jinkx and Alaska totally killed the challenge. They were cracking me up unlike any other episode. Alyssa was probably my favorite just because it was so real, as if it could have actually been on an episode of Real Housewives. The big moment came when Detox was up and she told Ru that she couldn't act because it was bringing up real emotions. Detox told everyone that she lost her boyfriend a few years back and it still pains her everyday. In the end, Ru chose Detox and Alyssa as winners.
For the main challenge, Ru told the girls they would be acting in a Spanish telenovela in two teams of three. Detox reunited RoLaskaTox, and so Alyssa chose Jinkx and Coco. The girls got to work, perfecting their Spanish accents and their melodrama. It's clear that Alaska and Jinkx are going to be the stars of the episode. They're the comedy queens and they are by far the best actors in the group. Coco and Alyssa don't look like they're going to do so well. Alyssa's acting was actually sending me into hysterical fits of laughter because she was so flipping hilarious. I love her so much and I really don't want her to leave anytime soon. After speaking to Ru, the groups pull themselves together and go to film their telenovelas.

Casa de Locas:

Ella No Es Dama:

Detox this week could have been all-around funnier, although I did really enjoy it. You all know Detox is my favorite of this season, but I feel like she isn't living up to her potential this. She has so much more to offer and it's a shame that she isn't pulling out all the stops. I absolutely loved her runway look this week. I thought it was elegant and sophisticated, and yet the sombrero pushes it over the edge into the realm of the drag. Detox looked fantastic.

Roxxxy Andrews
Roxxxy finally brought it this week in all aspects. I've been complaining that she's been letting me down for the past few weeks, and so she finally stepped it up and showed that she has more to give. I was surprised at how good of an actor she is, showing she is more talented than we've seen. I loved her overall aesthetic this week as well because it's completely different from what she's given us throughout the entire competition. She toned down the make-up and gave us a new face. And I think the outfit is one of her best. Roxxxy is back, ya'll!

Coco Montrese
Coco was incredibly weak in the telenovela. She only had a few lines to begin with, but her delivery was terrible. She is in the Bottom Two for sure this week. I did like her outfit on the runway, although I'm not really sure how it's Spanish related. It worked well on her, and you just knew she wore it because it would work to her advantage in the lip sync.

Alaska was one of the stars of this week's episode. Her performance as the mother in the telenovela was hilarious. Her facial expressions were on point, and she kept the RoLaskaTox team afloat. I liked her outfit on the main stage, but I did think it was cheap looking and the judges should have read her for it a bit more. Otherwise, Alaska was overall great this weak.

Alyssa Edwards
Alyssa was shockingly bad in the acting challenge which is a shame because she is naturally funny. Her Spanish accent was unbelievably hard to understand at times, and her orgasms were atrocious. Since Jinkx was so phenomenal Alyssa was overshadowed. On the runway, Alyssa doomed herself with her outfit. It was not a good outfit to begin with, and then Santino went in on her and said it was the worst outfit to ever grace the main stage in Drag Race herstory. I don't agree at all, but it wasn't good either.

Jinkx Monsoon
The undisputed winner of the week, Jinkx Monsoon swept the floor with the competition. She was by far the best actress out of the two telenovelas, her orgasms in particular stealing the show. She ruled that challenge. And then she took a catastrophic risk with her runway look, but it worked in her favor. She went for a Dia de los Muertos look and killed it. I think this has to be in my Top 3 all-time favorite Drag Race outfits that have ever been on the show. Jinkx is the girl to beat so she better watch her back in the coming weeks.
This gif sums up my reactions to both the winner and the eliminated contestant. Unsurprisingly, Jinkx won the challenge and is the first queen to win two challenges this season. The gif is basically in appreciation of her, and it's also sarcastic. Coco and Alyssa both fell into the Bottom Two, and I think this is the moment Ru (and America) has been waiting for all season. This is the moment that puts the feud to rest. Both girls lip sync their tits off and give us another a phenomenal lip sync that will be remembered as one of the best. I mean c'mon, that twirl in the air into a split that Alyssa did? Gurl, that was flawless! Unfortunately, Ru sent Alyssa home which I think was the complete wrong decision. We're all sick of Coco and her stirring-of-the-pot attitude. Alyssa should have stuck around. But at least now we don't have to watch anymore of the tension between the two. Untucked was boring as all get out again, except for the fantastic Jessica Wild of Season 2 sending in a video message for all the girls. Next week on Drag Race is the make-over challenge, and this time the girls will be given gay former-military men that they have to turn into their drag sisters. Let's see how this one turns out!

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