Monday, July 29, 2013

A Round of Applause for GaGa

GaGa has finally returned to Twitter after temporarily disabling it for a few weeks, and since her return things have been crazy so I thought I'd bring you all up to speed! First, GaGa updated her Twitter avi with a new ARTPOP promo pic. The obvious fact is that GaGa's going brunette for the ARTPOP era which is something I've been dying for her to do forever. She looks gorgeous with her natural color, and judging by this we're going to be getting a lot of nude GaGa. And obviously we can see that technology is going to be a huge component in this era, especially with the album being released as app (which let's not forget that Björk did first).
Miss Germanotta then announced that due to popular demand, the pre-order date for ARTPOP has been pushed forward to the single release date of August 19. She also confirmed that the single is titled 'Applause'. Why she moved it up, three months before the album is released I have no idea, but of course I'll be pre-ordering the app!
And finally late last night she tweeted the single cover to 'Applause' which is being published in Women's Wear Daily today, along with an exclusive interview. I'm totally in love with this artwork as it's very artistic, adding another dimension to GaGa's work that I love and respect. It's obviously completely different than the rest of the promo images released so far which is interesting, but I'm sure we'll soon find out what the clown make-up is meant to represent. Maybe a transition from the over-the-top GaGa we are acquainted with to this new stripped back, natural GaGa? We shall see.
And a few other things have leaked that are of interest. A nude photo of GaGa, again tying into the "natural" theme of the ARTPOP era, as well as some sort of promo video that no one has any other information about. It's all very interesting to say the least, and I'm not sure if the world can handle GaGa's return to the spotlight. Cue the applause...

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