Saturday, April 5, 2014

Kenyth Mogan and the Holograms

Welcome to the blog's very first interview! I'm incredibly proud at how far this little side project of mine has come in the last three years, and today we're venturing into new territory with Magic Chat. Last weekend I sat down with up-and-coming pop singer Kenyth Mogan to discuss a very exciting project he is working on. Back in September I got an exclusive listen of his debut EP Fall Apart and since then I've been hooked. His career is beginning to take off, and hopefully you all will support him with this new film project. Without further ado, I give you my conversation with Kenyth.

MC: So for those not familiar with you yet, describe your music and the kind of artist you are.

KM: I am kind of a strange dichotomy when it comes to music. My music is very club oriented and geared towards the LGBTQ audience, but I'm not your typical LGBTQ artist. I'm starting out a little bit older and I'm not just banking on sex appeal to sell my music. I'm kind of the every-man artist. I want to be the one gay kids look up to and who their parents aren't afraid to let them listen to.

MC: That's refreshing to hear. Your "Fall Apart" EP is on constant rotation in my iTunes. It's quality pop music and so much fun. Do you have any other projects in the pipeline?

KM: Thank you! That makes me happy! I'm actually going into the studio in April to record a duet with another out singer Brendan Velasquez and will release my next solo single in October.

MC: It's awesome to see things taking off for you. I'll be anxiously awaiting that new single.

KM: I'm nervous. I can't say too much about it, but it is a cover song and is a song I've grown up loving done by one of my favorite artists. It took my agent forever to convince me to do it, now I hope I can do it justice.

MC: So I hear that you are trying to get involved with the new Jem and the Holograms film that was recently announced? Tell me more about that.

KM: Yeah! I grew up loving Jem and the Holograms. It was one of the shows I would wake up for at 4:30 in the morning on Saturdays to watch along with He-Man, the Snorks, the Smurfs, and Rainbow Brite. When I started getting into the industry everything I did started to somehow be connected to Jem. Through the press I've done, I got to know Britta Phillips who was the singing voice of Jem and Brendan's manager, who I'm also working on a TV series with, knows Samantha Newark who was the speaking voice of Jem. When they announced they were doing a Jem movie I had to audition. Even if I don't get anything, I had to try, because I loved the show and both Britta and Sam have been incredibly supportive of me in my music and with auditioning for the film too.

MC: Since some of the younger generation might not be too familiar with the show, can you give us a quick synopsis and tell us why you feel such a connection with the show?

KM: Of course! Jem and the Holograms follows the adventures of Jerrica Benton, who after loosing her father inherits half of a record label, Starlight Music. The other half is owned by Eric Raymond, a creep of a man who does anything he can to win. Jerrica's father also left her his greatest invention, a multi-functional computer system capable of generating completely realistic holograms through a special pair of earrings. Jem is created after Eric tries to rig a contest that would take Jerrica's half of the record label. Jem is a truly outrageous rock star with bright pink hair who sings sugary pop songs.

I related to Jem, as a I think a lot of gay kids did back in the day because Jem/Jerrica had to hide themselves. No one outside of Jerrica's sisters really knew she was actually Jem. Does that make it sound lame?

MC: No not at all. It sounds very relatable and I can understand why people all over the world have related to the show. Is there a character in particular that you would like to play?

KM: I'd be Fab Boy #752 if I had to, but Techrat would be my dream. He's kind of the creepy computer geek.

MC: Who are these characters and why are you drawn to them?

KM: Techrat is a part of Eric Raymond's group, a misfit. He's kind of a geek and he's dangerous but also kind of a nut. I've always wanted to play someone kind of evil.

MC: That would be fun to see since I see you as a peppy, all smiles kind of person. Do you have any prior acting experience?

KM: Peppy! I love it. 

My first acting on a film was on the Polish Brother's "Northfork" when I was just in high school. I got to work with Peter Coyote, James Woods, and Darryl Hannah, all of whom were amazing.

MC: It's clear that you're very passionate about being a part of this film so how can myself and anyone else help get the word out about you?

KM: Just share the link to the YouTube video with the hashtag #JemTheMovie.

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