Wednesday, May 11, 2011

'Prom Queen' by Glee

This was a HUGE episode of Glee this week.  So much happened that I don't even know where to start. Principal Figgins decides that the New Directions will perform at prom, which is a great opportunity.  The kids get their outfits ready and the competition between candidates for Prom King and Queen are cutthroat.  The other huge aspect of the episode dealt with Kurt, Karofsky and homosexuality in general. While I'm all for this plot line and the fact that it really pushes the buttons of the social boundaries, I felt like they were really laying it on thick this episode and it wasn't all that necessary.  Let's get to the music.

Jesse St. James is back!  I never liked him in the first place and I never thought his voice was all that great.  I was totally taken aback that Rachel decided to take him to the prom.  What was she thinking?  He threw eggs at her!  Anyway, I thought their version of Adele's extraordinary song was just okay.  I think the original is perfect and this diverged from it too much.  The back-up voices were kind of strange - it was like the Warblers but with words instead of sounds.  Didn't quite like it, but I thought Jesse gave his best vocal performance ever.
Artie truly still loves Brittany, but she was really offended by his remark last week.  Everybody loves those stories of how guys ask their girlfriends to prom, and Artie did it in a beautiful and sweet way.  While the song was only 1 1/2 minutes long, I thought Artie's voice was beautiful but the performance was a little awkward.  I was definitely surprised that Brittany didn't take him back, but I really appreciate how she's become a strong woman and actually gained some common sense recently.  She's quickly becoming one of my favorite characters.
What can I say about this song?  Your ears just bleed when you hear Rebecca Black singing and I'm sure this will be played at proms all across the world.  I must say that the Glee version is actually tolerable and somewhat enjoyable.  Puck, Artie and Sam did a great job, but in all reality it was just a filler song, which is exactly representative of the status of our society today.
Let me tell you now, I absolutely hate Christina Perri's voice, but the song is amazing.  I have said a million times that I wish somebody else sang this song because then I could actually listen to it.  My prayer's were answered because I can finally listen to Rachel's version.  I thought it was executed beautifully, and it just added to that romantic atmosphere of prom.  Good job Glee!
This is the first time we have heard Blaine sing without the Warblers.  He truly sounds good no matter what he sings, which is a testament to any good singer.  I had never heard this song before, but I actually really like it now.  Just another fun Glee performance.
I think no prom is complete unless they play ABBA's 'Dancing Queen.'  This is a defining song in history, and the girls did a great job on it.  Come on, how can you not like this song?

Overall, I think this is my second favorite episode of the season (my first is the Britney Spears episode - no surprise there, right?).  This was a highly Kurt-centered episode, but at some times I felt like the whole gay thing was a little overdone.  Karofsky's breakdown was very interesting to see, but I feel like we will never see him come out.  I just don't ever see it happening.  The crowning of Prom King and Queen was also a very unexpected shock.  Karofsky won King, and then Kurt won Queen.  This was my biggest qualm of the episode.  Never in real life would a principal, or any teacher for that matter, would ever allow a situation like this to happen.  Any school would not allow a gay student to be publicly humiliated like that.  It was just wrong, but Kurt definitely handled himself well.  I was really hoping Karofsky would dance with Kurt and maybe come out, but of course it didn't happen.  Blaine stepping up and dancing with Kurt was so cute, but I wish we could have seen some more of it.  The tension between Rachel and Quinn made me a little mad though.  Even though Quinn lost and was furious, she still came out on top.  Something drastic needs to happen to her to put her in her place because she's really starting to make me mad.  I think that's enough for today, so until next week's 'Funeral' episode, this Gleek is out!


  1. Best Prom ever!

  2. Love your review! Came across your blog, surfing the internet! :P

    It's not the first time a scene like this happens (A gay guy being elected Prom Queen), if you ever saw "Ugly Betty" one of the last episodes of the final season, was the coronation of Prom King and Queen at Justin's (Betty's nephew) Highschool. Up to that point he wasn't out yet, but he had several cheerleader friends, he was fashion, outgoing personality, a.k.a, all the buttons that needed to be pushed so that the bullies started teasing him about being gay. Ok, now I'm going to my point (lol), in that episode Justin is elected Prom Queen and he has de courage to go on and take de crown, then he delivers a beautifull speech about how his mom has been always for him and that she never had the opportunity to assist to her Prom 'cause she was preggers with him. So he gives the crown to his mom and all the school cheers him and the bullies were shut up.
    I thought this part of Glee's episode was pretty dramatical and Chris Colfer acted it amazing. I can't believe season 2 is almost over! I never get tired of Glee! I LOVE it! :)
    Once again, great review!
