Wednesday, July 13, 2011

NYU Steinhardt Orientation Refection

As you know, last Thursday and Friday I had my orientation at NYU.  After our quick vacation in Connecticut visiting our family, my dad and I headed down to New York on Wednesday evening.  My uncle actually lives in New York so we were able to spend some time with him which is always a great thing.  Even though I was excited to get to the orientation, you always have that reservation and those butterflies in your stomach because you never know what is going to happen.

After we checked in at our dorms (which were actually quite large and some of the best dorms I have ever seen) we began the first of many ice-breakers.  For those of you who know me, conversation is not my strong suit, but it was good because it forced me to be very talkative and really open up.  Afterwards we went off to meet our academic advisors and start learning about what our particular majors and programs were going to entail.  Of course this was one of the more important parts of the orientation as we got to know more about what we were actually getting ourselves in to.  At our particular session there were two other English Education majors so that was cool because now I know some of the people sharing my major.  There were also many Childhood and Early Childhood Education majors, as well as a Bio major, a math major, and even Japanese, Spanish and Korean Education majors.  Definitely an interesting group of students.

We then went to lunch and I began to get to know a couple of our orientation leaders a little bit better.  Ezra and Joey are both English Ed majors, and on top of that they are amazing people.  They're so much fun to be around and they really made the orientation so much more enjoyable.  I think that if it wasn't for them and the other OL's the orientation would not have been as enjoyable and we wouldn't have received as much "insider" advice.  Afterwards we met with out advisors again and started picking classes and trying to make a tentative schedule.  There were so many classes to choose from that at sometimes it was difficult, but the most difficult part was trying to make everything fit in the schedule.  We then went to take our foreign language placement exam (Spanish for me), and it wasn't too bad.  We then had dinner and went to do some more ice-breakers.  Finally we ended the night with Music, Munchies and Mingling.  By the time we got back to our dorms it was 11:00 and we were all dead tired.

The second day was basically just registering for classes.  This could not have been any more stressful.  Classes were closing left and right and you had to be like a vulture constantly refreshing the page to find classes that were open.  After much hard work (and some great music played by Joey, including "Super Bass" which has been stuck in my head ever since) I finally got my schedule down pact and it should be pretty enjoyable.  I'm taking Math with Computers, Quarks to Cosmos, Global Asia, Writing the Essay, and then the 0 credit classes which are the New Student Seminar and Field Observations.  We then got out NYU ID cards (yay!) and then were sent off by the Dean who gave us our summer reading assignment.  All-in-all it was a great experience and now I cannot wait to get to NYU in the fall.  I know I am going to love every minute of it.


  1. Hi, Matt! This is a great post and I'm glad to hear you had a great orientation experience! We're looking forward to having you on campus in the Fall.

    Would you mind if we shared you experience with other incoming students on our Facebook/Twitter?

  2. Thanks! I could not be more excited to finally begin college at NYU. I know it'll be a great experience.

    I would love if you shared my experience on Facebook and Twitter. I know a lot of people would probably be very interested in seeing other people's experiences.
