Wednesday, August 17, 2011

'Yoü and I' Music Video by Lady GaGa

GaGa is back with another video that is sure to have everyone talking!  Originally the video was not supposed to premiere until Thursday on MTV, and following it was going to be a special announcement from GaGa herself.  Apparently GaGa could not wait any longer and she released the video herself yesterday (technically Perez Hilton premiered it on his site and then less than an hour later GaGa had uploaded it to YouTube).  'Yoü and I' is GaGa's fourth single from the 'Born This Way' album, and I'm sure it's going to be another huge hit for her.  If you're wondering why there is an umlaut over the "u" in the song title that's because the song is about her former boyfriend Lüc Carl, so it is an homage to his name.  I was a little wary about it being released because it isn't really my favorite GaGa song, but just today as I was on my way to the dentist the song came on the radio and let me say that it sounded amazing!  GaGa's going to blow up with this, and I'm sure her performance on the VMAs later this month will be talked about for a while.
Upon first viewing I had very conflicted emotions.  On the one hand I loved it because it had such great imagery and GaGa is back to her psycho ways, but at the same time I felt that she put too many ideas into the video which led it to just be very confusing.  Upon viewing it multiple times since then I must say that I love it, and it may just be my favorite video of this era.  The premise of the video is that GaGa is walking from New York to Nebraska in order to get back with her beau.  How mermaid sex, cyborg-GaGa and GaGa on GaGa action fits into that storyline I'm not sure, but it does make for a visual masterpiece.  My favorite portion of the video has to be Yuyi the mermaid, just because she looks stunning and it's just a great element.  The blonde GaGa at the piano is also beautiful and it reminds me of her simpler days during 'The Fame' era.
After the video was released there of course was a magnitude of discussion over the video, and what might actually be embedded below all of the stunning visuals.  I myself still am not too sure what to make of it, but I have heard some very interesting ideas that I'd like to share them with you.  GaGa has stated in the past that something traumatic happened to her as a child and will never discuss it with the media.  After seeing in the beginning the demented ice cream man and the man holding the doll, it has been concluded that GaGa may have been raped and/or sexually abused, and these represent her trauma and loss of innocence.  We also see throughout the video GaGa being experimented on and even tortured.  This could refer back to that trauma and that maybe GaGa's array of crazy ideas are a result of this, and in the end we see the cyborg-GaGa which references her true self now.  All of that trauma has tortured her and created a different GaGa that we know today.  It's a very interesting video, even though it's very murky and hard to interpret.  I'd have to say that I agree with this, but whatever is going on in her head I love it and only hope that she continues bringing us more incredible pieces of art.  Enjoy!

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