Thursday, September 15, 2011

America's Got Talent - Finals

We have finally made it to the end of the season!  I can't tell you how happy I am that the show is finally over.  It's been a long summer, but it's finally come to a close.  Once again, the show has failed in its purpose, but I'll get to that a little later.  For now, here are my reviews of the Top 4 acts.

Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr.
I've never been a huge fan of Landau, but this final performance of his was amazing and his best by far.  I really enjoyed it, but he is not going to have a future in the entertainment industry.  He's a great Sinatra impersonator and has a great "old-timey" voice, but he can't sustain an act in Vegas for too long.  In a few years no one will remember who he his.

Team iLuminate
By far their best performance to date.  Out of the Top 4 Team iLuminate is the only act that could support a headlining show in Las Vegas.  They are what good acts are made of and I would definitely pay top dollar to go see them.  They are inventive and imaginative, and so worthy of one million dollars.

Oh boy.  They ruined their shot at the prize with that performance.  It was a train wreck, to be blunt.  Their worst performance on the show.  I guess Queen was just too big for them.  K'Laine's voice was not up to par and the back-up vocalist was horrendous, which was made even worse by the fact that he was so loud.  I really do like them, but their pandering and pleading after their performance was flat out annoying.

The Silhouettes are definitely a great act and they really pull at your heartstrings with their beautiful moving pictures, but they have no future in Vegas.  The youngest member is only five so they all need to be in school receiving an education that can further them in the world.  Also, it's fun to watch it one segment at a time, but can you imagine sitting in a theater for one-and-a-half hours and watching this?  I'd be asleep in ten minutes.  The other thing is that they pull you in with all the over-the-top patriotism and advocation of world peace, but are they really still amazing without all that?  Hmmm....

SPOILER: (Don't continue reading if you have not seen the finale.)

Once again the show just proves why I hate it so much.  Who wins?  The worst act out of the Top 4: Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr.  Why does America do this EVERY SINGLE YEAR?!?!  They vote for the acts that never in a million years could headline a Vegas show.  The judges say all year long that they're looking for an act that can headline a Vegas show, and yet they faun over Landau who, like I said, cannot sustain a full headline show.  The only act that could, Team iLuminate, came in third.  Came in third?!?!  How does this insanity happen year after year?  Only ONE winner, out of the entire history of the show, has stayed relevant.  As you can tell I'm infuriated, especially as this happens year after year.  Well, I hope you enjoyed me blogging the show this year, and of course I'll be back next summer blogging it again (oh joy).  Both 'Glee' and 'The X Factor' start next week so you can hope to see posts on both of those each week!  They may be late, but bear with me as college goes into full force and takes over my life.  At least they'll bring some much needed 'good quality programming' back to the air.

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