Sunday, August 4, 2013

Who Is 12: Introducing, Peter Capaldi!

Back in January, after months of my roommate telling me I needed to watch this show called Doctor Who, my friend and I set out on a quest. We marathoned through the seven seasons of the new incarnation of the show in just a few months, and I fell in love. Doctor Who is the longest running sic-fi series in television history, and it is actually about to celebrate it's 50th Anniversary with a mega special 3D episode airing in November. The show is the greatest to ever come out of Britain, taking the world by storm and creating a phenomenon that is something unique. The show deals with a time and space-traveling Time Lord who battles the evils of the universe with a companion by his side. The interesting aspect of the show is that through its 50 years, the main character remains the same but has been played by eleven different actors. Once the Doctor's body has spent itself, he regenerates into a new form. He takes on new characteristics and a new personality, but he is still the same person.
I have been witness to three Doctors: Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith. They all have been uniquely different but have been some of the greatest characters I have ever seen on television. The story is incredible, and can be enjoyed by any person of any age. It's funny, it's terrifying, it's sad and it has beautiful love stories. It's got something for everybody, and that's why it's been such a huge phenomenon for the past fifty years.
Matt Smith is my Doctor. He is the actor that I've enjoyed the most playing the Doctor as he is quirky and adorable, and just brought a whole different light-hearted aspect to the show. From his catchprases "Geronimo!" and "bowties are cool" to his relationship with my favorite companion Amy Pond, he won over my heart. And at the end of the Christmas special we will be saying goodbye to Matt as he regenerates which leads to the big news of the day. Who will be number 12?
I was gunning for a younger actor, somewhere between the ages of David Tennant and Matt Smith. I wanted him to young and hip, someone who could have fun with the show. And of course I wanted a ginger. It's been a long-running gag through the show, and I was hoping we could finally witness the first ginger. But alas, I was proved wrong on all accounts. Peter Capaldi was announced as taking over the most coveted role in all of Britain. I'm not disappointed because he is a phenomenal actor, and he already has that Doctor "look" to him. I think it'll be interesting to have an older Doctor because that is something that my generation of TV watchers hasn't seen before. We haven't had a Doctor who is more of a father figure so I think it'll prove interesting to see the relationship between him and current companion Clara develop. Capaldi has already been in the 'Fires of Pompeii' episode of Doctor Who, as well as it's spin-off show Torchwood. He was also most recently in World War Z where he played the W.H.O. Doctor (I know, right?!), as well as being in the hit show Skins and a plethora of other films. I'm excited to take this new journey with Capaldi as Twelve, but it is going to be heart-breaking having to say goodbye to Matt Smith on Christmas Day.


  1. I wasn't sure what to think about Peter Capaldi but I'm sure he'll bring a new dynamic to the role, we'll just have to wait and see!

    1. I totally agree with you. I'm withholding judgement until I see his first episode.

      And I totally love your blog! It's a great mix of everything. I noticed you're into fashion, and I think you might enjoy my best friend Amber's blog :)
