Thursday, April 10, 2014

RuPaul's Drag Race Season 6: Drag Queens of Comedy

Not only was this week a double dose of Ru and the most fabulous drag queens, but in Part 1 of the Rupersized premiere, there was a shocking non-elimination. Darienne and DeLa battled it out, but Ru felt DeLa still had more to give and rightfully saved her. We're still at 8 queens remaining at the top of Part 2 of this week's helping of Drag Race so who will be the next casualty?

For this week's mini-challenge, the girls have to lip sync but in a very unconventional way: lying on their backs upside down. The girls have to drag out their chins and lip sync to RuPaul's music as they try to serve the best mouth. Adore and Bianca slayed it, but out of nowhere Ru named Joslyn the winner. For the main challenge, the queens are tasked with creating a stand-up comedy routine. The prize for winning the mini challenge is that Joslyn gets to select the order in which the girls will perform.
The comedy challenge is the one dreaded by all but a few each season. This was obviously made for Bianca to win, and if she didn't get this one I would be shocked. Darienne is really the only other natural comedienne out of the bunch so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out. We sense from the beginning that Laganja is really struggling. She's taking this overboard, and I really don't see how her "character" is funny. DeLa seems to struggle as well. Joslyn of course creates a very strategic line-up for the comedy show, and with a crowd consisting of old folks it'll be interesting to see how the jokes translate on stage. (Anyone notice Jinkx's "old military gay" from last season in the audience?)

Darienne Lake
First up is Darienne and we all know she's got this in the bag. She warms up the audience and continues to drive home one-liners that had me cracking up. The highlight of her routine was when she said she was a ninja because you'll never find her in a gym. I thought her outfit was a bit dull though. I love the hair but it looks like she just draped a shimmery sheet over herself.

Courtney Act
Courtney has her comedic moments, and she started off ok. She obviously used her being Australian to her advantage. She then proceeded to do an acapella song she wrote. While I enjoyed it, I also thought it wasn't the best idea because it gave her a way out from coming up with comedic jokes. Her look was on point though.

Adore Delano
I was expecting Adore to be a bit better than she ended up being. She basically defaulted to what Detox did last year during the roast. Because she got uncomfortable she reverted to laughing nervously and dropping F-bombs every other word. She had the material, but she just didn't expand on it as much as she could have.

The pressure really got to her this week. DeLa completely floundered with this challenge. She talked about Seattle but never really got a laugh out of the crowd. At one point, one older gentleman asked her when she was gonna tell a joke and DeLa promptly left the stage. That was completely uncalled for, but there is some truth to it. Her outfit, I thought, didn't really fit the challenge. It looked like she was Honey Boo Boo competing in a beauty pageant.

Laganja Estranja
What the hell was she on? Laganja murdered her performance but in the worst way possible. She came out with the most ridiculous character ever. She overemphasized jokes like Tex-ass and they all fell flat. Her antics were so ridiculous that there was no humor to them. And don't even get me started on that hair. What is that, mama?

Trinity K. Bonet
I'm beginning to see a lot of similarities between Coco Montrese and Trinity in this stage of the game. During the roast, Coco also really shone in a way I had never seen before. Trinity turned it out this week. She kept to the more personal familial side of comedy with her jokes, and everything about reading the cookbook almost killed me. And I liked seeing her in a more sophisticated look this week.

Joslyn Fox
Joslyn started out very strong, but then bombed. Her ADD-rhinestone joke was perfect, but then she moved on and lost her pizazz. If she had played off the ADD thing she could have had a very strong performance. I also thought the outfit was completely out of place, and if I see that necklace one more time I'm gonna throw it into the bottom of the ocean like the old lady at the end of Titanic.

Bianca Del Rio
Ending the comedy show is the woman we've all been waiting to see. Bianca steps on stage and promptly destroys everyone that came before here, this season, and all previous season combined. Comedy is Bianca's forte and she brought the house down. It's always amazing watching someone's talent shine like this. And her outfit was classic Bianca so there was nothing you could fault her on this week.
Like we all guessed, Bianca was the standout winner. Unsurprisingly, Laganja and Joslyn fall into the Bottom Two but not before we get the waterworks from Laganja. These two going head-to-head in the Lip Sync for Your Life is truly one of epic proportions. They both go into a standing split leg at the same time and proceed to leave their souls on the stage. Joslyn definitely outdoes Laganja though. It's so sad to see Laganja go home as I originally had her pegged for Top 3, but she crumbled in the competition and got quite annoying. But, she is the first queen in Drag Race her-story to actually "sashay" away so you gotta give her credit for that.
This week's Untucked was simply outrageous and one of the most draining episodes the show has ever had. Laganja amped things up to a max and everyone turned against her. It really painted her in a very negative light which is a shame because I know many fans turned against her. Even though I hated how she was acting, I am still a huge fan of hers and she can turn the party better than half the bitches out there. Keep on mama, okurrrrr!

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