Saturday, March 9, 2013

'Never Wanted Your Love' by She & Him

We all know that Zooey Deschanel, known for her popular quirky girl role on New Girl, is a fantastic singer, but did you know she has released music? She works with M. Ward as part of an indie duo by the name of She & Him, and their third album Volume 3 is set to be released on May 7th. For anyone who loves indie music this should be a treat as it's always beautiful in its simplicity, and Zooey's voice is suited perfectly to the style. The dynamic duo released the first single 'Never Wanted Your Love' yesterday, and it's the perfect song to usher in a spring full of good music. I could totally see people blasting this in their cars with the windows rolled down. I love this song because it kind of has a '60s Summer of Love feel meshed with the typical indie sound. This is definitely going to be on repeat, and I can't wait for their album to come out.

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